Public Integrity

The citizens of Montgomery County have the right to expect that public servants will perform their duties in a lawful and ethical manner. The District Attorney’s Public Integrity Section strives to ensure that elected and appointed officials and their subordinates comply with the law in the course of their service to citizens.
The Prosecutors and Investigators assigned to the Public Integrity Section evaluate complaints of criminal misconduct by public servants and investigates and prosecutes criminal misconduct at all levels, including city, county and state government.
The term “public servant” includes law enforcement officers, jurors, school employees, government agents and attorneys, as well as elected and appointed officials. Offenses prosecuted by the division include abuse of office, bribery, theft by public servant, tampering with governmental records, official oppression and other crimes committed by public servants in the course of discharging official duties.
The Montgomery County District Attorney shares jurisdiction with the Attorney General of the State of Texas for prosecution of official misconduct. Above all, the District Attorney’s Office and the Public Integrity Division seek to strengthen public confidence in government.
Officer Involved Shootings
Independent Investigations. Every time.
When a police officer fires their weapon in the line of duty, we know that someone has likely been injured or killed.
The officer may have been legally justified or the officer may have committed a crime.
We know that for the public to have confidence that the right outcome is reached, an independent investigation needs to be done.
The prosecutors and investigators of the Public Integrity Section of the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office respond to the scene of each and every officer-involved shooting to ensure that an independent investigation is done.
We thoroughly investigate these incidents and present each and every one to a grand jury.