Domestic Violence
A message for survivors of Domestic Violence.
Domestic violence is a serious and perpetual problem in every community. We are here to help you. You do not have to be afraid anymore. You are not alone. Please watch this video below to learn about ways we can help you, “Red Flags” that increase the dangerousness of domestic violence, and about available resources for survivors.

In 2011, the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office created the Domestic Violence Unit. By creating a specialty Unit, survivors of Domestic Violence typically receive more specialized attention from prosecutors and Victim Assistance Coordinators who only work Domestic Violence cases.
The Domestic Violence Unit handles Class A misdemeanor and certain felony ‘Assault Causes Bodily Injury’ cases involving dating violence based on the specialized needs and concerns that are found in such cases. With the help of our local judges, court staff and jail, these cases are funneled into special dockets which allows the cases to come before a Judge more quickly, allows quicker and more personal interaction with the prosecutor assigned to the case and typically the cases are resolved much more quickly than cases found on a normal docket.
Family Violence situations can be quite dangerous for those living with it. Our office also partners with the Montgomery County Women's Center through a Domestic Violence Collaboration for Outreach & Advocacy Program (DV-COAP). This partnership focuses on increased education, communication, investigation, and prosecution. Please contact your local law enforcement agency should you or someone you know need help.
Protective Orders
A Protective Order is a civil court order that is issued by a Judge to prevent continuing acts of family violence. In Montgomery County, Texas, seeking a Protective Order is done by the Montgomery County Attorney’s office. For more information, click the button below.