Children’s Safe Harbor
Sexual & Physical Abuse of Children
The Special Victims Team specializes in cases involving sexual and physical abuse of children. The Special Victims Team is located at the Children’s Safe Harbor in Conroe, Texas and works with a a multi-disciplinary team of experts to get justice for victims and to get victims the help they need moving forward.
Children’s Safe Harbor is a nationally accredited non-profit children’s advocacy center established to provide a central location for professional agencies involved in providing services or investigations into allegations of child sexual abuse. A centralized location allows families to receive the various services they need and interact with investigating agencies at one location.
The Safe Harbor Multi-Disciplinary Team
Forensic Interviewers
Specially trained to interview children.
Family Advocates
Assist families with services that may be needed during this crisis situation.
Licensed Counselors
Assist the child in healing after an outcry of abuse.
Texas Department of Family & Protective Services
Ensure that a child is protected and safe in their home environment.
Law Enforcement Agencies
Investigate allegations of abuse and gather evidence to hold offenders accountable.
Medical Forensic Nurse Exams
Conduct medical exams to ensure the health and welfare of children, ages 2-17, following allegations of child abuse.
District Attorney’s Office
Assisting the Law Enforcement Agencies in their investigations and prosecuting charges cases of child abuse in the courts of Montgomery County.

Alarming Statistics
The statistics are alarming with 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will become sexually abused before their 18th birthday. This is why the Montgomery County District Attorney’s office is committed to fighting child abuse.
The public does a good job of warning our children about “stranger danger”, but, in most instances – the danger is in the home. Statistics show that only around 2% of the time does sexual abuse involve a stranger. That means approximately 98% of the sexual abuse of children is perpetrated by family members or someone known to the child.