Diversion Courts
Veterans Court
The mission of the Montgomery County Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) is to assist veterans and their families to become integral and productive members of the community through a collaborative effort, and to honor them and restore their dignity for their selfless service to our community; we shall leave no veteran behind.
DWI & Drug Courts
The Montgomery County Drug Court Care Assisted Rehabilitation Experience (C.A.R.E.) Program is a court that is perceived as an alternative to the traditional court system. The non-traditional approach to cases assigned to the C.A.R.E. Program represent combined efforts of the courts, program staff and participants, and treatment providers to step in and break the cycle of substance abuse and misuse, addiction and crime.
Mental Health Court
The mission of the Montgomery County Mental Health Treatment Court is to increase public safety, facilitate participation in effective mental health and substance abuse treatment, improve the quality of life for people with mental illness charged with crimes, and make more effective use of the community's limited criminal justice and mental health resources.
Montgomery County District Attorney Diversion Courts Personnel
Chief Prosecutor Mike Shirley
ADA Erica Ortega
Intern Ashley Smith